I’m starting today’s diary at 11:57 PM. It was a good day. I could have worked better at my day job, but I was a little slow in the morning. I need to fix my sleep schedule. Also, we had lots of long meetings.
I went to the gym and did legs and the elliptical. Felt great. There is some momentum going on. Something I didn’t mention: I made a bet with my girlfriend about this. We both want to lose weight, so basically, whoever misses a certain mark of hours of exercise per week has to pay a proportional amount to the missed hours.
If self-love was not enough to make me lose weight, avoiding losing money certainly is doing the job.
After the workout at lunchtime, I had more meetings and also a job interview with a manager at another company. I’m not actively applying for new jobs, but it doesn’t hurt to practice getting one.
No reading today. Shame on me.